Cost Calculator

Step 1/5

Personal details

Please provide your details to help us tailor your business setup experience in Masdar City Free Zone.

Please choose a valid first name.
Please choose a valid last name.
Please choose a valid email address.
Please choose a valid phone number.


We respect your privacy and will not send unsolicited emails. Your contact information will only be used to provide you with the requested details and support.​

The cost provided is an estimate based on the information you enter. After submitting your details, a member of our team will contact you to discuss your specific needs and provide further assistance.

Step 3/5

License Category

Choose one or more license categories that apply to your business. Selecting the right category is essential for operating legally and efficiently in the UAE.​

*By submitting this form, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Masdar City Free Zone.

Step 4/5

office & retail leasing options

Select the office and retail space that best suits your business needs. We provide a range of spaces designed to help your business grow and succeed.​

*By submitting this form, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Masdar City Free Zone.

Step 5/5


Personal Details

Company Structure

License Category

Office And Retail Leasing Options

*By submitting this form, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Masdar City Free Zone.